Hello everyone! I've collected a few photos that highlight the little moments I've liked the most the past few weeks. Starting off with my friend and I's mini coffee date before school last week. Most people would find nothing extraordinary about this and I agree but a little chat over coffee just always start off my day nicely!
This second snap is of my beloved bag purchased from peacocks (buy here) and my little fluffy owl keychain kindly given to me by my boyfriend's mum from Italy! I've recently really enjoyed tan instead of the usual black handbag and since this bag is really plain, the keychain really brightens it up.
The two pictures above really bring out my inner cat lady. The first picture shows a little ginger kitten who a friend of mine and I stumbled upon on the way to school. He was the friendliest little thing!
The second picture is a tiny kitten my boyfriend and I found whilst out shopping. I really wanted to take it home but unfortunately already have a little dog that likes all the attention to himself!
This last picture features my matching Skagen watch and necklace (see watch in more detail here) given to me by my boyfriend on my 17th. I had been looking for the perfect watch for a while because I've the smallest wrist and and I just think the bigger watches that are in fashion right now don't really suit me that well so I was soo happy when I got this one!
I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know if you'd like to see anything else!